We advise our candidates to be honest and focus on a weakness that is not one of the top three qualities required for the job. Each week, Monster's career expert Vicki Salemia former recruiter who utilizes 15-plus years of experience in recruiting and human resources to empower job seekersanswers user questions on Quora. "Perfectionism" is just about the worst answer you can possibly give to this question. You can also start assessing candidates skills from the moment they hit apply by adding screening questions andSkill Assessmentsto your job postings on LinkedIn. I've already seen improvements in my levels of focus during work hours.". In this video, I answer the job interview question "What is Your Weakness?"This is the best way I've ever seen to answer this question. Were a recruiting company specializing in sales careers. Because of this, our team ended up adopting my idea for a new funding process, which resulted in a 10% decrease in the time needed to plan our annual budget.". Indeed suggests saying:"My biggest weakness is that I get impatient when projects get extended past the deadline. Ex. Stay up to date with what you want to know. In order to improve these skills, my manager mentored me and gave me weekly assignments that allowed me to practice data interpretation. Also, be situationally aware. While I don't need to do much public speaking in my role as a web designer, I still feel that it's an important skill especially when I want to offer my opinion during a meeting. However, you can still apply it to past experiences where you did have to show leadership. Ive always been told that Im a straight shooter and can be relied on not to sugarcoat anything. Before you start expressing a genuine weakness to your interviewer, get comfortable with the types of answers that make hiring managers want to work with you. How a person answers this question shows a lot about their ability to think on their feet, speak about personal growth, and show initiative to improve as a professional. "Public speaking makes me nervous. This shows your desire to meet more business needs than necessary in your current role, which is admirable. To address this, I've made it a point to spend more time with colleagues I'm uncomfortable working with. Here are a few questions to support you in identifying and communicating your weaknesses: While you want to be honest with your answer, you also want to avoid highlighting a weakness that may cause the recruiter or hiring manager to second-guess your qualifications and abilities. However, in my last role, my coworker asked me to edit some of his pieces and provide feedback for areas of improvement. Alternatively, you don't want to respond with weaknesses that will prevent you from succeeding in the role. Also, be sure to describe how you've already taken steps and made strides in strengthening this skill, showing your ability and desire to constantly learn and grow. Your greatest strength sets you apart from other candidates. I always make sure to double-check everything I do. want to know how honest and self-aware you are. Demonstrate self-awareness and an ability to look to others to provide you with the resources necessary for growth. I'm the biggest critic of my own work. In this new role, I will continue to be incredibly mindful of my facial expressions. In order for them to make this assessment with you based on limited information, it requires honesty from both parties. A strength is something you are good at or something about yourself that makes it easy for people to see your skills. For example, say you're applying to be a senior product marketing manager. My greatest strength is my fast-learning skills. That brought me to Quora, where I found multiple threads full of recruiters discussing the challenges they face every day. Did you know youonly have seven seconds to make a strong impressionwhenanswering interview questions? So, how do you answer, What is your greatest weakness? How do you avoid mistakes when discussing weaknesses with a recruiter or hiring manager? Tie your answer to the prospective employer and role. My biggest strength is that Im flexible. Typically, timidity can be seen as a flaw in the workplace, particularly if a role requires someone to provide feedback to others. The problem, as explained onQuorabyCelia Stangarone, operations specialist atRiseSmart: I could come into work and have hundreds of emails. When responding to "What are your weaknesses?" best answers include: 1. . My goal is to not only feel comfortable, but also to be successful working with uncertainty. How can you frame your weakness in a positive way while also showing youre a fit for the job at hand? We're committed to your privacy. Preparing for this popular question is essential before your interview time. Using our examples above, you can find your own strengths and weaknesses to create a personal response based on your skills and experience. The answer "perfectionism" won't cut it when talking about your biggest weakness because it's not a real weakness. Doing so would make you seem less competent and risk your chances at getting the job. The best way to explain this weakness to your recruiter is obviously by highlighting how you make sure to respect and stick to the deadlines set, while overlooking the frustration you feel when. If youre honest with your recruiters strengths and weaknesses, theyll see how confident you are in what you can do. Next, you want to pivot your interview answer to the positive and share the specific steps you are taking to work on things you need to improve. But this lack of confidence can have an impact on the overall performance of the company, for example if you find it difficult to express points of view that could improve some things. Honesty and authenticity are your best friends when job searching. Identifying your downfalls and showing how youre actively working on them shows growth and a humble attitude. Everyone has that "smart" (and often unemployed) friend who'll . Contract Professional Recruiting Permanent Recruiting Temp-to-Perm Recruiting By Industry Total Talent Solutions Advisory & Consulting Services Direct Sourcing/Contingent RPO Total Talent Solutions Managed Service Provider Recruitment Process Outsourcing Enterprise Recruiting Specialty Practices Fintech Cloud Migration Cybersecurity Agile 1) A weakness you are working on: Talk about a recent shortcoming that you are fully aware of and already improving on. 1. To overcome this weakness, Ive learned to be okay with imperfection and that the end result is what matters most. Useintake meetingsas an opportunity to set appropriate expectations and gather all the information you need to attract the right candidates. To receive blog posts like this one straight in your inbox,subscribe to the blog newsletter. I also understand that many experts around me have specific knowledge and skills that can improve my work. only have seven seconds to make a strong impression. To gather rigorous evidence that a candidate possesses the skills Shell is looking for, the teamuses a variety of techniques, including asking the person to give a presentation and getting them to complete a work style self-assessment. Within a few months, I went from being a content marketer who was averse to data to one who embraced it. Be honest about your weaknesses but also address in specific terms how you are working to overcome them. (If lack of confidence is your weakness, keep reading.) December 14, 2022. Indeed says: "Sharing something you feel you need to improve on shows the interviewer that you are self-aware and like to challenge yourself.". Replying to emails is another task that can eat into your day if youre not careful. To help me improve in this area, I use a project management application so I can view how much work I have at any given time and know whether or not I have the capacity to take on more.". Let's use an example of a weakness for the Server candidate that matches our job offer. Additionally, you display an eagerness to develop strategies to combat your weakness, which is a critical skill in the workplace. Because I became familiar with having strong direction, I tend to be unsure when approaching an ambiguous task or goal. I have my own personal sense of what commitment means, and thats why every task assigned to me is essential to finish. Because I want to continue working remotely, I've started adding more structure to my day and instituted a sharp start and end time. You also want to make sure you dont pick a weakness that is a core skill or quality needed for the position youre applying for. Briefly share an example of a time when you asked someone for help in an area that you've identified as a weakness. ? What skills and technology expertise are you hoping to develop in your next job. We'll be republishing the answers here. To help you succeed in job interviews, Indeed has put together 10 ways to successfully answer the "what is your biggest weakness" question. If you've identified an area of weakness and you're sure about it, let that assurance shine through in your answer. Trouble saying "no" to others. Additionally, I received my Google Analytics certificate, and I make it a point to analyze data related to our blog regularly. In the second half of the response, the interviewee showed that they have been working to correct that weakness while also using some of its qualities as a strength. Among the top 3 qualities most valuable for recruiters, healthy confidence is essential for your interview mood. My biggest weakness is that I lack focus. When recruiters ask you to identify your greatest weaknesses, they are looking for the following three things: Honesty. Astudy by Bersin and Deloittefound that the single biggest factor contributing to recruiter performance is their relationships with their hiring managers. "Sometimes I struggle with ambiguity and making decisions when directions aren't clear. My goal is simple: to help people find jobs they LOVE. Everyone knows this question is probably coming during an interview. One technique that works for me is assuring myself that if I establish clear expectations, then my team will follow. I like to use the Pomodoro timer technique to overcome this weakness, which helps me stay motivated to finish my work tasks. Be honest, upfront and thorough, and youll ace them without issue. Rather than trying to nimbly turn your weakness into a strength, I recommend being transparent. Im able to adapt quickly and can work well no matter what the situation. With this answer, you're showing that you'll step up if a situation calls for decisiveness. The strength is in how you work to overcome it. This answer shows that while you may be used to running your crew or team a specific way, you're willing to admit when your method isn't the most effective. Everyone has weaknesses your interviewer doesn't expect you to be perfect. It takes a lot of courage to admit that. But I've seen a negative impact on my motivation and focus when I ignore my personal needs. Below are five weaknesses you might address during a job interview, with example answers to guide you in developing your own answers. So how should you answer the question 'What is your biggest weakness?' You could show that, although you may have had a problem in the past, you've taken steps to combat it. It's also effective because 1) It shows that you're willing to work on your weaknesses outside of work, not just during business hours, and 2) It demonstrates your inner critic may have valid points. I have difficulty letting go of projects because I want . Overall, growth is a part of life. This question originally appeared on Quora: In a job interview, is . This helps ensure that I don't make changes at the last minute. One of the most essential parts of arecruiters jobis evaluating an applicant on how they would fit into their company. Taking professional development courses shows that you're willing to work toward improvement. By taking steps like these, you can turn the relationship into acollaborative, strategic partnership, instead of one built on giving and receiving orders. At first, this might seem like a "strength" weakness pouring yourself into work is great, right? When you lie about your strengths and weaknesses, they cannot get to know the real you. That can easily come across as scripted and insincere at best and lacking in self-awareness at worst. This is a major problem, because without that feedback, results will necessarily be nil.. The recruiter is looking for a confident applicant who will do well within their organization, so you want to come across as someone who can handle any situation that might arise on the job while showing an optimistic attitude towards future challenges. AtShell, for example, the recruiting team is highly focused on soft skills, which are notoriously difficult to assess. To overcome this weakness, Ive relied on using organizational tools on my smartphone and laptop. However, I have learned not to take on too many tasks and to balance my workload to ensure I can do my best work. Bringing data to the table can also help you show them whats realistic and what isnt, allowing them to adjust their expectations accordingly. Unfortunately, most posts for jobs require at least one year of experience. A Particular Hard Skill. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time. Mention that last time when you acquired skills in the short term; This kind of self-starter attitude is a plus for virtually any team. Ill always stick out the course to get the job done no matter what. With that, I discovered two things: 1) there arent a lot of recruiting-focused bars out there, and 2) when you go up to a person at a bar and ask them what their biggest problems are, rarely do they mention anything related to work. It demonstrates a level of ambition and professional maturity. Recruiters want to get to know the real you. My biggest weakness is "condescension.". An answer like this shows the hiring manager that you recognize your areas for growth and are able to act on them without being told to do so. 1. While you might feel unsure how to answer this question, there are tons of ways to not only give a thoughtful, honest answer but also ensure it comes across in a positive light. That's why I've pursued roles that require someone to work independently. All there's left to do now is to win over the hiring manager in the face-to-face interview. Before you start engaging with candidates, consider sitting down with the hiring manager and getting a crash course on the topic at hand. Ask yourself what character traits those people have and what work you might need to do in order to get there. My goal was to find the biggest challenges facing recruiters. By providing an example of how you're working to improve your area of weakness, you'll give the interviewer a glimpse into a few positive attributes about your awareness, including that: More often than not, you're going to need to look outside of yourself to overcome a weakness. In fact, we have been helping professionals find jobs that align with their career goals for years. Whether you look to your supervisor, the HubSpot Blog, or a mentor for help, the simple act of seeking help demonstrates self-awareness and resourcefulness two skills that are hard to teach, but valuable to learn. This will give you more data to consider when making your final decision. This has helped me in the past during my job as well as with other teams around campus. For example, let's say you're interviewing for a training . My biggest strength is being collaborative. While perfectionism can be spun into a positive trait, it may come off as a rehearsed clich. As we already mentioned, your answer must be honest while also not jeopardizing your chance at getting the job. Were a recruiting company specializing in sales careers. Rather, it's about explaining a shortcoming in a positive light, that minimizes the negative trait you're talking about. I've become much more comfortable analyzing data through these efforts.". I am a stickler for deadlines and feel uncomfortable when work is not completed on time. Tapping into your resources shows the interviewers that you can solve problems when the answer is not yet clear. Asking predictable questions that lead to . To help me improve in this area, I give myself deadlines for revisions. That's when you talk down to people.". To tackle this weakness, I've been taking online courses in data analytics.". Empathy. So, you've finally got your foot in the door at your dream company. This answer works because it's a relatable and fixable weakness. you've overcome. Your team will also have more visibility into what their colleagues are doing, making it easier to collaborate both with your talent acquisition team and the hiring managers. After the interview, its vital to keep candidates in the loop to prevent them from growing frustrated and accepting another offer. Additionally, it's impressive if you can show you're willing to reach out to your manager with areas in which you want to improve, instead of waiting for your manager to suggest those areas of improvement to you. You show off your communication skills when you provide the answer. With response #1, the candidate went with one of the most overly used responses recruiters see when asked the weakness questionthe non-weakness. Provide a clear timeline for when they should expect to hear from you, andprovide regular updatesto let them know you havent forgotten about them. "I enjoy developing a relationship with my coworkers by engaging in conversation, and that's a great team-building skill. The problem, as explained onQuorabyStuart Liroff, VP of talent acquisition atAcademia.edu: "My biggest problem is that nearly all candidates are actively pursuing multiple opportunities Where I used to be able to work pretty much 1:1 with passive candidates, I no longer have that luxury.". One of the soft skills most companies want to see is the ability to work in a team, so if you struggle to work with certain types of people, this can detract points from your candidacy. This post has been translated from Spanish. Ability to perform under pressure. In this example, you're able to show your desire to go above and beyond a job description and actively seek out skills that could be helpful to the success of your company as a whole. Recruiting tips, Have blog stories delivered to your inbox, probe the hiring manager about the job requirements. "What is your greatest weakness" is one of the most common job interview questions. While I understand that having a diverse team makes for a strong business, I tend to stay quiet about my own ideas and opinions with louder colleagues. If Im developing code as part of a new software program, I will work until 2 a.m. to make sure there are no issues and the program ends up exactly as the client wanted it. When asked about the famous recruiters strengths and weaknesses question, it is also good to have prepared answers or anecdotes ready to avoid getting thrown off guard with this unexpected query during an interview day. Unfortunately, that means there's a lot of bad advice out there. For example, when I was in college, I had many different classes scheduled throughout the week because my school offered so many courses. I put in the hours and do whatever it takes to ensure a job gets done. Im always looking to win, and I cant stand feeling like someone else has done better than me. Focus on qualities that make sense for the role youre applying for instead of choosing vague strengths or weaknesses. Since then, I've become better at offering feedback, and I've realized that I can use empathy to provide thoughtful, productive feedback.". I've tried to improve in this area by acknowledging it and giving myself the opportunity to refocus on the big picture. And since someone has almost certainly experienced the same problem before you trust me, I reada lotof similar Quora posts while researching this theres likely a creative solution already out there. This can help you resist the urge to multitask, which will ultimately make you less productive. 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