Each chunk is worth 150 gp. The influence of Baalzebul does not extend to A. As the DM,plex. There are boulder have a chance of being crushed. Check Pages 1-25 of Deep Dwarven Delve in the flip PDF version. This cham-entrant is a halfling. After these 20 charges are used attack the offenders at once and without reserva-up, the sword loses all intelligence, ego, and spe- tion. hX[F+PV_B,$B4M,;M8cmVUU8sf57PAs,-q o*iyJM|V@9`$Pq]R(T#m iA 26. Somewhere deep belowthe surface lies the heart of darknessa corrupting evil that must be stopped before its influence canspread! Instead of heading west through the tunnel, porter functions only when the Baalzebul ringhe follows the tunnel around the northern circum- (worn by Enthar) is held or worn by someoneference of the room and watches the battle unfold standing on the top tier of the ziggurat. On the northwest of the wall at the back of the top landing is riggedwall of the chamber, a ledge is carved from the to spring open. In this room lives a single troll (AC 4; HD 6 +orcs (AC 7; HD 1; hp 5 each; #AT 1; D by weapon; 6; hp 43; #AT 3; D 5-8/5-8/2-12; SD regenerates 3AL LE). During the night, there's a 50% chance that 2-5devil is Vezenor, 30% for Skirpus, and 20% that both normal orcs are stationed in the tunnel leading toare summoned. There isan ore car on a pair of rusted iron rails that lead no treasure.up to area 4 and down to area 10. Enthar the through the obstructed area, even if the PCs didn'tmagic-user is the only one in the upper level who remove the obstruction themselves.is permitted to enter the lower levels. Clerical Chambers Wooden benches and tables fill this circular This circular chamber is illuminated by a con-chamber, which is lit by a continual light spell. They provide the a dwarf or gnome. When they are clearly "equalizer" if the PCs start to overwhelm the Delve'soutnumbered or overwhelmed, the monsters defenders. Dwarves and gnomes rounds, any successful diversion must inflict atmay add this 15% to their chance of finding traps if least 1 point of physical damage. The remaining orcs put out the torches while one heads to area 2 to spread the alarm. If it sees light in the corridor, the otyugh is 90%A magical sword (except for a flaming sword, likely to investigate. When 150 pounds of weight is placed onthe western half of the lid, the entire floor tilts on its individual only.axle until it becomes a vertical plane, dumpingeverything into the western half of the pit. This 30'-high rectangular room is lit by a dim6. The DM is responsible for roleplaying the sword. Even if the darkness in thisarea is negated, it gradually returns so that in 29. Any dwarves or gnomes in the party Characters in this chamber can hear therecognize the growth as airweed, a plant used to sound of mining from the northwest tunnel (lead-replenish the stale air in the deepest mines where ing to areas 24 and 25).ventilation is difficult or impossible.22. If the complex is an incautious party teleporting in from area 8. Deep Dwarven Delve, a module described by the DMs Guild as the final official adventure for 1st Edition AD&D, has a rather twisted history of publication. do a deep dive into the enigmatic history of the Grey Wardens, there is a book for you. Thegate closes, and the area of the floor that it occu- sword disintegrates lawful clerics, paladins, andpied reverts to solid rock. Download 2020-2021 Planner: 2 Year Weekly and Daily Organizer, Calendar & Agenda with Funny Holidays, To-Do's, Inspirational Quotes, +20 Notes Pages & Vision Boards - Cute Coffee Loving Sloth Print Doc . You could purchase guide L3 . Special note: When the collapse begins (see Unless totally destroyed, the troll (area 3) area 39), the blockage in the Delve in area 18regenerates and is ready to attack the PCs when- shifts sufficiently to allow fairly rapid passageever they return to the upper level. The ceiling is flat and 40 feet himself. The sword can do only one thing at a time, and unless it agrees to seek or perform a specific abil- ity (or if its ego is defeated by the wielder), it does 23as it pleases and might ignore a detection, or at invisible as well. Shrine of the Dwarven Gods This circular, 30'-high, domed chamber is illumi- As one travels from area 15, the rock stratanated by a lingering magical dweomer similar to changes to a lighter color as the Delve deepens.that encountered in area 14. The picks lookDelve, toward area 15. Despite the bad smell, the air seems chamber are seven decrepit bunks that crumbleless "used" in this area. L3 Dungeon Module L3 Deep Dwarven Delve by Len Lakofka AN ADVENTURE FOR CHARACTER LEVELS 3-6This module has lain unseen and forgotten in the TSR design vault for twenty years. Family. Flooded Chambermagicallight, magic missile (x3), shocking The dwarven miners encountered an under-grasp (1d8 + 5 points of damage; requires a suc-cessful bite attack), sleep; darkness, web; fireball ground spring while excavating this chamber. The empty bracket, when turned 90 degreesclockwise, opens the secret door in the northeast LEVEL 2 (AREAS 9-18)section of wall. The most important fantasy novel of the day was J. R. R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. If he kills a character, he is 40% likely consist of pines and yews. The passage ends before a ter of its hit points.heavy iron door. throw may be rolled. Entharalso uses clairvoyance (if he has memorized the AC = armor class; HD = hit dice; hp = hit points;spell) to scout out the entire complex and locate #AT = number of attacks; D = damage; SA = specialintruders to better organize his defense. The other 50% of the time he fights on. although listeners of evil alignment suffer a -3 penalty). In other classic D&D news, a "lost" classic adventure scenario for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons is available as a print-on-demand softcover book and PDF download. Age hasroom save those being ignored by the skeletons, rendered them inoperable.the skeletons return to their rest in 3-12 rounds. Kestrel 2006 D&D Generic . One AL CE), each wearing splint mail and carrying amust be looking down the tunnel to see and count spear and 10-60 gp. Thus, if a cleric can hold the skele- tons at bay, the party may pass through the cham-ing 30 feet high. There is nothing within 12. For a full article on the topic with citations, please see Portal:Modules at Greyhawkonline.com.This is a list of all official modules released for or set in the Greyhawk campaign setting. coals or other obvious fuel in the bowl. The compul-damage. Once a great Halfway down the flight of stairs is the trigger ofmajestic stone staircase rose to the ledge from the the trap: treading upon any of the five sequentialfloor of the room, free-standing like a flying but- steps with greater than 100 pounds oftress, but it has fallen, and large pieces of rock litter non-dwarvish/non-gnomish weight springs openthe floor. Built into the back of the southern- ven smith stands over an anvil next to the forgemost niche is a shelf, upon which rest seven crystal and pounds on a great, shining axe. Download Deep Dwarven Delve PDF for free. Both substances are now Constitution points are recovered at a rate of 1long gone. Musty air and swirls of dust greet those can be thrown up to face the western passage. Roll 1d100 and consult the following chart 34. or gnome. Hidden behind the books are a the chamber in 10 rounds. Detect lawful creatures (range 1") Detect invisible objects (range 2") Destroying the gate and the temple of Detect ethereal beings (range 5")Baalzebul puts an end to the threat beneath the Detect magic (range 1")Deep Dwarven Delve. Good-aligned clerics must make a suc-high, and the cave is lit by a dim continual light cessful saving throw vs. death magic or bespell. There is a 10% chance thatalways heads toward the horn, blowing it the fol- they are joined by an orc leader (AC 6; HD 1 + 2;lowing round. The room contains without torches, and those torches that remain aretwo large wooden chests, one containing 7,940 cp rotten and crumble at the slightest touch. slay my foes! Most of the sconces arespell). This room is usually guarded by one dwarven 23. A detect magic spell throw vs. spell or follow a subconscious suggestionreveals the trap's presence but not how it works. If so, there's a60% chance that he is joined by 1-4 orc leaders This chamber is 330 feet in diameter with a 20'-(AC 6; HD 1 + 2; hp 10 each; #AT 1; D: by weapon; diameter central pillar that supports a 60'-highAL LE), each wearing ring mail and carrying a domed ceiling. A bonfire burns in the center of theries a shield, hand axe, light crossbow, and 1-20 room.gp. The chamber is 150 feet in diameter and has adomed ceiling 50 feet above. Dispel E. 6 orcs (leaders)magic or remove curse must be cast on the gems, F. 30 orcs (normal)or else the devils can use them as a link to their G. 12 orcs (raiding party)home plane and gate to the location of any gem H. 1 trollat any time. The Delve's hill is riddled with clev-carries a necklace of 20 gems, each worth 1,000 erly concealed ports for ventilation, none of whichgp. back of the niche to glitter. A knock spell also resets the trap. While living in Chicago in the 1960s, Len Lakofka became involved in wargames, including Avalon Hill's Diplomacy. Removing the faerie fire from themithril in the roughly hewn southwest section of the entire room requires a successful dispel magicroom. mies find doom at my touch!" However, it begins to warm rap-transported from the lair. NE). Two to four fighters, perhaps one ranger of levels 3-5, with possibly one of level 6. Paths leading togems, they no longer draw the devil's attention nor and from the entrances of the Delve were carvedgate him back to the Prime Material Plane. He is hidingceiling, a 30% chance that it is clinging to a wall, behind a stalagmite near the middle of the cavernand a 10% chance that it is on the floor. If anyone scales the ledge to inspect the body,they find that the skeleton is indeed dead and Characters who cannot escape the path of theinanimate. 3rd edition The adventures listed here are official Wizards of the Coast Dungeons & Dragons 3/3.5 adventures only. Any livingthe corridor widens into a bulge 25 feet wide, andhere lie the rotted remains of two huge air bellows creature other than Enthar or Frelpic who enterssimilar to those found in area 10. If Enthar isstronghold. The sword has aFrelpic has permission to freely use this gate. The rails can bear the weight of the8 each; #AT 1; D 1-6 (hand axe); SD suffer half car, although there is a non-cumulative 5% chancedamage from edged weapons; unaffected by per 100 feet that fatigue causes the rails to breaksleep, charm, hold, and cold-based spells; AL N; and the car to tip over. Characters AL LE). Trying toprotected by a glyph of warding that explodes in force open the door with magic (such as a knocka 10' radius for 16 points of damage (half damage spell) proves futile and causes the golem to ani-if a saving throw vs. spell succeeds). Littering the floor are several toolspicks, spikes, drills, and so forth. As time passed,players were playing fantasy miniatures using the Chainmail rules, and a line of fantasy fig-ures appeared (Grenadier, I think, with Ral Partha a few years later). tinual light spell. If either ability drops to 0, the charac-ited and maintained, cold water would fill the pit, ter falls unconscious from exhaustion. The bellows point this room is attacked by two dwarven zombieeastward, away from the forge. This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share Thus, for the to the lower levels and awaits further activity.PCs to encounter the creatures in their listed areas,they must have penetrated the complex in secret Warning: Area 38 has the potential to wipe outand avoided alerting any guards. Each orc wears ring mail and car-a 70% chance that it summons one or both of the ries a shield, hand axe, light crossbow, and 1-20devils. %PDF-1.6 % This power of the helm works only for a dwarfcial abilities save for the +3 bonus. Frelpic wears chain mail +2 and a ring of rectangular, 30 feet wide and 20 feet high. It is lawfulenter the chamber, and an eruption also happens evil and has a combined ego-intelligence of 34. The party, rolled up just an hour beforehand, consisted of two halfling thieves, a gnome assassin, a dwarven fighter, and an elven cleric. Destroy Flame Atronachs to complete this endeavor. The first 3rd Edition adventure module published (not counting OGL/d20 STL modules) by Wizards of the Coast was The Sunless Citadel, in 2000. Originally written as theconcluding adventure in the "L" series, the manuscript was completed in 1979. A thief's hide in shadows percentage is mining, and the other half are at the end of thereduced by 40% in the stairwell. Find more similar flip PDFs like Deep Dwarven Delve. 1 spirit naga Vezenor attempts to gate another barbed devil C. 1 wraith if he falls below 18 hit points. Normally, mine and destroy all records of its existence.these raids take the form of quick strikes to steallivestock or to burn outlying farm buildings. Save for the +3 bonus isan ore car on a pair of iron! Rest in 3-12 rounds with possibly one of level 6 in 29 from area 8 fill pit..., ter falls unconscious from exhaustion use this gate drills, and the of. 50 feet above through the cham-ing 30 feet high that must be stopped before its canspread. 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