The biggest festival celebrated by Malayalis is Onam. Originally Answered: What do the rest of the India think of Malayalis? I always found that hate or any negative emotion is a sign of helplessness, vulnerablity or impotence. He was a fair maharashtrian boy and I was a wheat-ish skinned malayalee girl. They originate from the south of the current Indian state of Kerala. By expressing to the world how you became a victim makes you less manly hahaha then what makes you manly sitting and oggling at females like starved bastards in kerala or drinking and running away to dubai or having your female sleep around with every guy to get contracts and more money .If guys are less manly then who is manly the average Malyali male whose wife is sleeping with half the town .Some people are scared cowards with there own old parents or kids whom females like u and ur like keep as hostage to get your demands met or threaten there old parents with consequences .So guys like me are not manly to go and kill a female like u immediately .hence one spells it out on such blogs .and my community is indian Ms or Mr arshole coz i dont speak my own communitys mothertongue only coverse in english and hindi and marathi all my state and national languages unlike u malyalis i dont go abt using my own regional language in front of others .But fucker malyalis like u ,like in my house will want inter community marriges but want to thrust your stupid malyali language and culture on other people and there kids .thats your hypocricy got it thats ur dirty attitute .Its not my community guys who should not be married or married to .its people like you and ur malyali kind who cant integrate in other communities who should not marry cross community.My abuses are my frustration to a group of malyalis and there characteristics that i hav ebeen facing since 11 years right from the day of marrige .i am not ashamed to abuse coz thats the only thing i can do abuse on the net .Unlike dirty bastards like you filth on this earth who abuse elders of other community in person .who said people dont get conned never have you or your family person been pickpocted or swindled does that make your family member a moron or just less smart then the conman .thats how it is here gettin conned by a whore doesnnt bring down my level it just makes me less smarter then the whore at there work .Thats why here i am laying my expereinces and informing others that characteristics mentioned abt do exist and i will inform every instance in upcoming days .So arsholes like you should know what u and ur community members are like and why they are hated by all the north indians and south indians like . The question stemmed out of my own experiences dealing with my fellow lads in a different land, and your comment about the Gulf colonization is a direct claim against this. The rest of the malyalis were hypocrites who were acting like north indians. Don't let emotions distort your perspective. The name Male is thought to come from the Malayalam word Mala ('hill'). In fact my ex wife wanted my kid to speak in her dirty filthy tribal kannada language. i would only want to get back at this malyalee bitch wife of mine so that she knows that she has been a perfect bitch and there is plain hatred from my side for her her atittude her behaviour and eventually her family .Right from the day of the marrige this female has ganged up with her group of malyaless and made me feel stupid at takin this decision to marry and side with a female who i thought was against her family but it was stupid i was the one who was the bakra out here .These guys have slowly and steadily mocked made fun showed off and pressurised me to perform to provide using simple tactics like u cant do this other guys do it provide this for my daughter ,other husbands do this etc etc .While this bitch wife of mine was a miserable companion for sure in these 11 years .Never has she done anyhing but taken full pleasure in cursing that i end up outside a temple selling chappals .I dunno if her some fucking uncle is cleaning a toilet in dubai he is supp to be a great guy while others are meaningless idiots it seems .My wife is the worst of her entire siblings lot , all her siblings married folks either earning the same or more and more qualified chaps then them to look for security .This female in 11 years has done nothing all was taken care of me yet the bitch behaves as if she is a god given boon to me or my family .i can understand one should be humble but with such females one should crush them and treat them like dirt to show them that they are nothing but a parasite a rascal leech coz if you dontthey will massacre you and your family making life miserable for all .So boss marry any community girl but leave the malyali girls for the malyali guys itself .Coz these females cant live without there lingo so let them be with there lingo .As aamir khan said '' dont waste your time for a girl a bus or a train one goes other comes ''BTW i am a buff for a bolywood movies , marathi movies , hollywood movies and even south indian movies with sub titles .cant help it this is how we indian desis are Chalo tum uttar bharat ka chora nikla lagta hain ki tumhe dakshin bharat raas nahi aaya hai. Indeed, contemporary artists often use such modes to mock socioeconomic elites. YEARS I HAVE SEEN AND BEEN TREATED BADLY BY NORTH IDIANS THIS IS THA LAST STRAW. n al d shit u chatin bou dem hw d fuk u kno newy y'al doin d sme shit fkin hoes n dikz, Malayalees are biggest bastards, For they money sake they will sell anything including their own mothers and sisters.The entire world hates them leave India,Ask anyone in gulf,they are ridiculed,spitted for their behavior.My sincere advice Never Ever trust a Malayalee.They are cut-throat,selfish and believe only in black magic rather then their talents.All these mother fuckers know is to make porn films,We should actually start a Movement throughout India to Kickout Malayalees from all states, yes m dear frnds u all are rite. It is a part and parcel of human nature. Malabar Manual (1887), William Logan, Calicut. There is a correction" our first instinct is to brand the entire community in the light of our personal experience". The poets like Moyinkutty Vaidyar and Pulikkottil Hyder have made notable contributions to the Mappila songs, which is a genre of the Arabi Malayalam literature. such a third rate guy has the guts to comment abt mallus who r the most educated ,one of the most brilliant communities in india. Nalukettu is a quadrangular building constructed after following the Tachu Sastra (Science of Carpentry). - Hence the reason why even other south states don't like us much. Tamil artists should never do rap/Hip-hop, that's the worst thing I've ever heard in my entire life. A large number of Hindus and Christians are Malayalees. Malayaless find it extremely shameful to be clubbed with these bastards as part of the south indian community. If you are so sure that there are a lot of indians who hate malayalees then your job will be easier. Let me remind these malayali haters that if they are under the delusion that malayalis will start cowering in submission at the first volley of abuses hurled at them, then they are mistaken. username3539714. But I doubt whether bird brained people like you which your community seems to be constituted of will be able to grasp this. I genuinely cringe when seeing comments like " ", Poking their noses into other people's lives (leading to "naattukaarenthu vicharikkum"), This is exactly the reason why I killed my ammavan ,good riddance, I think that's an Indian thing, right? As of 2013, there were an estimated 1.6 million ethnic Malayali expatriates worldwide. You were even afraid to name your community, knowing that you will be massacared. Quick to anger and jeleousy, hidden and supressed anger and sadness it manifests itself in other ways10. Chief Justice of India is from Kerala2. Vivekananda even referred to "Kerala" as insane asylum. It was a typical house that was flanked by out-houses and utility structures. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. His brain is totally dewired and iirespective of what i do and say its held against me. The Karanavar took all major decisions. [105] What eventually crystallized into this style is thought to have been a product of existing South Indian styles of combat, combined with techniques brought by other cultures. and never ever showed any love or for that matter respect towards her or her feelings . The word "kalari" can be traced to ancient Sangam literature. When I look at the disgusting shitty looking smelly kannadiga and tamil monkeys I feel like vomiting. all my truth becomes lies for them or they misinterpret. You pathetic moron you seem to lack originality in your posts. [100], Muslim cuisine or Mappila cuisine is a blend of traditional Kerala, Persian, Yemenese and Arab food culture. 190 talking about this. There are more Tamils than malayalees. Nobody can take a joke on themselves as sportingly as a malayalee can and that is a malayalees biggest USP. They are uncultured filthy bastards who have no culture finesse or class. they think sleep and talk abt money only. Curse them to hell, every filthy dog of them. There are quite a significant number of malayalees who have faced the same problems with other malayalees. It is just a reflection on your manliness and your community as a whole that you cannot make the weaker sex fall in line with you. Im sick of it. But then isn't that a trait of mentally sick retards, losers, people with criminal bent of mind as generally people from your community are. The stonework was restricted to the plinth even in important buildings such as temples. I am a malayalee who grew up in Delhi and let me tell you i have been betrayed by the best of my north Indian friends. most of them are male chauvinistic pigs and they hole themselves in high esteem for being that. hey sonny boy my last blog was abt programming and bugs the stripping part is definitely not mine .I stick to the dirty malyale wife funda only. this 3rd grade North indian B has tortured his wife and ganged up with his parents and tried all the tactics in the world to please their own ego. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts,, Also, most sought jobs are in the medical field. But if the discussion is carried in a language that befits educated minds then maybe we malayalees can know our shortcomings and try to rectify them. yes one thing is right you malyalis are coated with the filth of this earth crocodile dark skin fuckers thats why you can do filthy things and yet smile abt it .Thats what me and everyone is saying here all along that you fuckers esp your females are the filty rotten dirty bastards .A guy who is pimping for arabs has to be thick skinned rascal like a malyali only no one else can do that .Marry any community girl but a malyali female .Well you black skinned baboon even my dick and my ars is more fair then you and your family members you fucker think 2 times before you call others black .Fucking racist bastards learn to stand and speak properly in a crowd before you talk of massacaring other community .One thing i learnt from a fucking rascal like you is to give you bastards the same treatment you give others and not ever consider you fuckers will ever integrate in other community .Shoot the fucking malyali rascals like this my this who i live with and throw them in the sea .I stopped been polite to bastards like you long back now its tooth for tooth you black baboon .Next time you malyali sister gets married buy proper wedding attire for her instead of taking on rent .And teach your females some usefull skills rather then bedding around and traping guys .Europeans keep you as servants not as wives you fuckers , forget the europeans even the arabs use you to clean the ars notthing else .Where you talk of marrying europeans you arshole . the north indian guys keep their wives under humb hold. I'm a kannadiga and just have my GCSE German exam left. Since you have questioned the character of malayali women are you sure that you are the real father of your kid. Dude, the soft porn industry does not exist in Kerala alone. In a way ,Malayalee culture is similar to Paarpan's ", "Paarpan and Malayalis look out for each other.And they a lot in common. : Evangelicals = 2% Professing Christians > 5% and : = 50%: 3 It consists of two sections. And by the way who are the so called above posts. We should not let our individual experiences color our feelings towards an entire community. They are predominantly native speakers of the Malayalam language, one of the six Classical languages in India. The saviours from snoring uncle, crying babibes and gossiping aunties. But the problem is that lunatics tend to lose whatever little sanity they possess on a full moon day due to which they engage in the audacious act of spitting at the moon only to have the spit fall back on their face. We have to look at the problems of our country as problems of a developing country. I was a misfit everywhere and that is why I am not a nationalist. Remember that if you are pointing a finger at someone three fingers are pointing at you. some people need an enemy in their lifeto keep them going. [28][29] Al-Biruni (9731048CE) is the first known writer to call this country Malabar. [94] Since 1980's women also have found groups. 458-56. malyalees and malyalee females are like dogs they only like to be with other dogs they cant integrate with other communities .Every community hates malyalis.Even in south indians the malyalee are hated bastards .Malayalees only show off nothing else they dont have any stuff only like to show like buffoons .scum of the earth is what these gutter chap malyalees are .I have had friends in all communities and religions and never had a bias against any community .But malyalees are cheap arsholes They insult other communities when they are nothing but shit pots. spices like black pepper, cardamom and clove are used profusely. racists, any malayalee that marries non malayalee is attacked, spat upon, their family threatened. Once you understand the mechanism at work you are no longer disturbed by the mechanism but in fact gain a semblance of mastery over that mechanism. Knowledge of human mechanism or human behaviour liberates you and gives you a feeling of tremendous power and mastery. such an open society, not even in america. Next time when you see these bastards piss on them or spit on them. It is a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black. YOU NORTH INDAINS ON THIS STUPID BLOG LOVE HILTER WHO MUREDED MILLIONS OF JEWS, DISABLED AND DISABLED CHILDREN AND ANYONE THAT WAS NOT BLODE WITH BLUE EYES. Half the malyalees like you dont even know whether your father lives with you or in the neighbourhood. Malayalis are built of much sterner stuff and it will require much more from eunuchs like you to touch our raw nerve. Even the same subcaste won't intermarry or eat with each other. People realize malayalees are criticized for the right reasons,all the above said comments are very true.All states have bad people but here we are talking about the percentage,Overwhelming majority of Malayalees are cut-throat, deceptive, cunning, selfish, cruel etcBastard malayalees migrate to other states in search of livelihood and once the join their own flock of people they show their true colors of not having a iota of respect to the local culture and its people.Even a dog is more loyal than a malayalee.Malayalees eat,drink,live and earn in other states talk high about their own state and abuse their host state, this is the most disgusting attitude that no son of soil will never ever tolerate,If you find your state a heaven then why the fuck you bastards are migrating like a horde of sheep to other states.You selfish malayalee bastards you want all our states to feed you, because your people back in home are fond of licking the ass of communists who has brought ruin upon your fucking state hahahaha whose mistake is this,first realize you are a fucking burden to all of India. See your obsession with the word whore,can't blame you as you must have spent the better part of your childhood in the company of such people. my middle finger to you malayalees. every body can have sex anybody in thiruvanapuram because nairs there are very liberal poeple. yes sonny boy i agree a gangerous arm shuold be cut off .No one is that indespensible that one should live with it for ever.There are many girls out there in the ocean .So guys dont marry a malyali woman leave them for the malyali males . [35] Around one-third of the Malayalis in Kodagu district speak the Yerava dialect according to the 2011 census, which is native to Kodagu and Wayanad.[35]. When I was 14 yrs old, one of my closest friends at that point told me that his mother never let him drink tea because she had this weird belief that drinking tea darkened ones skin complexion, and when he asked for tea once she told him(referring to me) If you drink tea, you will become dark like her. [18] They are predominantly found in Gulf, North America, Europe, Australia, Caribbean, Africa and other regions around the world. think of the mentality of the person who will come to a mallu site to swear at them..with the excuse of warning others. in all the developed countries they are trying to create a one kerala there.then acting in front the own country peoples.(i have lot more thoughts about mallus i will write in my next post). iwasted 10 yrs of my career coz of him coz i couldnt start a practise coz i was a doc and i had to reside nearby. Laterite was used for walls. Have no concept of loyalty. I would not sit simply, I request you to protest against this", - full speech, Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru, Second Series, Vol. MANASIL AYO ENDE KERALA KUTTY PATTI PUNDACHI MAKAALE ? Malayalis use two words to denote dance, which is attom and thullal. And last but not the least, you know Malabar is only a part of Kerala and you are wrong to call keralites as Malabaries, this shows your ignorance of the Geo-political facts. Ignorance of hindi and other part of what is really India, cut off in their own isolated world behind the western ghats and seayou fuckers stick in your state why you come and corrupt other states and cultures when you dont know to respect them .Arsholes like you stick out abroad and even in india coz you wills tand in a herd and bark in your own regional language inspite of people standing around who dunno it .Fucking baboons you guys dont have manners to stand in a group or a proper society .I dont need my community blog coz my community is not insecure like yours to herd in itself and hide in herds and dirty manipulative politics .We integrate with the surroundings we stay in .thats called education and civilized sense .But how can you know you dirty blood sucking scum of the earth .You are one of the same filthy rotten black bastards who has all the same characteristics mentioned above . Did you mean? Thus, more contemporary forms including those heavily based on the use of often risqu and politically incorrect mimicry and parody have gained considerable mass appeal in recent years. The southern style, which stresses the importance of hand-to-hand combat, is slightly different than Kalari in the north. Thinking that kerala is the centre of India, when kerala is not even heard of in other parts of India9. In fact my advice to tamil and kannadiga females is not to marry the ugly black monkeys of your community. But supposing your version of the story is true there is still a larger issue involved. Thousands of people gather on the banks of the river Pamba to watch the snake boat races. The last Indian representative to the Miss Universe contest was also a Keralite13. They were reduced to pathetic figures of scorn and self hatred who could do nothing but bark in impotent rage. which part of the moon you are the dark spot on the moon ?? Q. I did not know what to do about the 45 yr old senior so I ignored it and just tried my best. So why is it galling to you. "Menon Pyar Kiya". [105] Kalaripayattu may be one of the oldest martial arts in existence. This is an artistic adaptation of the martial art of Kerala, Kalaripayattu. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. [30] The Arab writers had called this place Malibar, Manibar, Mulibar, and Munibar. The relatively more educated Christians were among the first to get wind of the job opportunities there and grab them, though in small numbers. Nor the vast majority of Indians can speak Hindi, our National language? You low crawling insect why is it that to vent your frustration you have to come to a blog that has been started by a malayali and is visited by malayalis only. G- Gold. This led to the cessation of the practice of mahdanams. For that you need to take initiative and be ready to go the whole hog. I've heard others (relatives/siblings) tell me to tread carefully. what the mind doesnot know the eyes wont see. people at that plcae were nice. The number of Malayalam speakers in Lakshadweep is 51,100, which is only 0.15% of the total number, but is as much as about 84% of the population of Lakshadweep. the kerala guys dont have to prove their masculinity by doing that. Either learn Malayalam or dont attempt it at all. all people who have dark or white females are not cunning and manipulative to stick there females in other peoples necks as malyalees do.they teach there sick females to fuck around like prostitutes and ensare the next well off soft guy they can get .paracites who suck blood of there partners with black mail .my bastard wife for 1 1/2 year of marrige kept black mailing me for all the necessities which her own father fucking took 30 years to have and her siblings married other partners who were equally earning .but my malyalee wife was mentally handicaped couldnt earn anything just wanted to enjoy life so was always black mailingme for money .it was a nightmare .she and her sister used to abuse my parents they are so bastard community that they dunno that they themselves are hated everywhere people dont like to stand around them but yet they think these dark demons are great .i have decided now to have my own community girl and kids and not to entertain these bastard malyalees .all of you all should dothe samethrow the malyalees to the dogs. Let that demented fellow post some video or a link to a video where he says this openly to the face of a malayalee. Vry true god's own country and devil's own peopleespecially the women folk act very innocent and they are always upto dirty bsuiness especially the nurses never ever trust a malayaleeuseless stateand useless peoplebloody malayalees. Otto Harrassowitz Verlag. I'm speaking from my own personal experience. Dark skinned Indians are jokingly referred to as madrasis because for some strange reason these ignorant people think all South Indians are only dark skinned. Hmm I wish I could tell you. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. It seems using abusive language is part of your community's culture. Malayali cuisine is not homogeneous and regional variations are visible throughout. Malayalees. the husband must think what he is doing wrong that his wife is behaving abnormally, doe she talk with her? Yeah you are right that there are a lot of malayalis who lose their virginity before marriage. Other coleagues liked me, I did not mess up at all, said I was a team player and I never had a complaint from members of public. You doesn't look like a guy who is married for more than 11 years. There are so many good mallus: Its just because of some Mallus emerging from Kerala (born and brought up), hungry for success, who becomes cut throats, does black magic, become lays, betrays husbands, etc., that the other good mallus' names get spoilt and corrupted. There were a further 701,673 (2.1% of the total number) in Tamil Nadu, 557,705 (1.7%) in Karnataka and 406,358 (1.2%) in Maharashtra. Even the same subcaste won't intermarry or eat with each other. Love is two way.2. They lack loyalty, cheat and steal. 60 (1999), pp. Yes, now the job at the library, I loved it. Have you ever cared to bother what others say on seeing your back. i admire the kerala guys who have the guts to give more equality to their wives , sisters and mothers. Sonny boy I don't know your wife's version of the story. The entire world hates them leave India,Ask anyone in gulf,they are ridiculed,spitted for their behavior. It is fast coming., This page was last edited on 27 February 2023, at 16:48. Indira Gandhi Boat Race is a boat race festival celebrated in the last week of December in the backwaters of Kochi, a city in Kerala. Calling a dark skinned person kala is something we see on an everyday basis. to the malayali defending guy.this guy is a nut case i think u should not waste time defending malayalies with him . It is a well-known fact that both Bengal and Kerala indulge in different aspects of arts be it Rabindra Sangeet in the East to Carnatic music in the South; to Chauu Dance in Bengal to Kathakali in Kerala. Ignorance of hindi and other part of what is really India, cut off in their own isolated world behind the western ghats and sea8. Malayalis all don't have this one, uniform culture when it comes to inter personal relationships.People from some regions of Kerala are a lot more trustworthy and helpful than others. hahaha thats good solace for youto hide the funda of high virility .hot blooded is it or dirty blooded is it .or is it the desi daru in blood thats heating up .Highest porn selling and highest booze selling in india goes to kerala .If thats the case why are mallu women lookin out for guys in other community or sleeping around with arabs instead of there highly virile baboons like u .Coz guys like you are either surfing porn sites and jerking off or drunk and wasted and your women sleeping around the town .So much for your dear high testestrone virility .As i said a illusion to keep ones mind happy . Malayalam is a language spoken by the native people of southwestern India (from Mangalore to Kanyakumari) and the islands of Lakshadweep in Arabian Sea. Lol, its more of an Indian thing not just Kerala. The Top Ten. [91] Theyyam is a ritualistic art form of Malayalis, which is thought to predate hinduism and to have developed from folk dances performed in conjunction with harvest celebrations. Is it really that difficult to say 'malayalee' that you. Just makes us go awww while he switched between James & Sundaram Watch out for that bit where he behaves as Sundaram to Jame's relatives. The Miss Universe contest was also a Keralite13: = 50 %: 3 it consists of two sections problems! Us much at you true there is still a larger issue involved will be.... Have questioned the character of malayali women are you sure that you need to take initiative and be to. Iirespective of what I do and say its held against me but supposing your version of the keyboard shortcuts was... 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Ex wife wanted my kid to speak in her dirty filthy tribal kannada language insane asylum about 45! Idians this is THA last STRAW guy who is married for more 11...

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