There is no commercial or military port there. Adjustments in deflection usually result in a hit soon after. For an officer, one step up from the bottom, rankwise. Blivet - (1) Traditionally, "Ten pounds of shit in a five-pound sack." Bug Out - 'Getting the hell out of Dodge.' Grand Slam Radio call for the successful SPLASH (destruction) of an air contact. 7. Benny Sugg (USN) Beneficial Suggestion program, a program where personnel were rewarded for making suggestions to improve some aspect of military life, usually living conditions. The player opens and closes the hand . Cinderella Liberty Liberty where one must be back aboard by midnight. Now-a-days kicking down a troops door and making them chug six beers at three in the morning is hazing. Blue Water - Literally, 'deep water,' or 'deep draft,' but more traditionally, 'away from land.' Keelhaul Ancient form of punishment from the days of sail, in which a sailor was thrown overboard and dragged under the ship to the other side with a line. "Oh no, I'm adrift for the meeting and the Bossman'll be there!". For the uninitiated, a police blotter is a public record of arrests made the prior evening. Big Chicken Dinner Bad Conduct Discharge. Civvy Street Civilian life.CIWS - Close-In Weapon System, a short-range anti-missile point defense system commonly comprised of a radar system and rotary-barreled Gatling gun. EB Green Nuke duct tape. Battle Cover The steel cover for a port or deadlight. FAO Community. Boomer Pin Term for the Deterrent Patrol pin; the device shows a ballistic missile sub launching a Polaris ICBM, with a banner below. Indexer (Aviation) In most common usage, the indicator lights mounted on an aircrafts glare shield to indicate AOA during an approach to landing. At Loggerheads A serious difference of opinion. The risk is higher but that doesnt always mean something will happen. Those E1s that got promoted to E2s are now ready to climb to E3s. US Navy's guided missile destroyer USS Nitze paid a visit to Istanbul as part of scheduled port call in Turkey amid the tensions between two countries A US statement says the visit is an opportunity to further strengthen "long-standing and vital partnership" with Turkey. (3) (Aviation) A location on the aircraft's datum line, often used as a center point for dogfight radar scan modes, or when telling the RIO to get a lockup, goddammit!, or a radar mode which slaves the antenna scan to the aircraft boresight. (2) Diver, especially a "hard hat" diver (i.e. Depress the release pushbutton and . Field traps are particularly rough on the hook point, as it is common practice to touch down well prior to the gear and roll into it. $20.00 Liberty Call Olongapo City. movement relative to your own, if there is no BEARING DRIFT and distance is decreasing, its an indication that collision is about to occur. FIGMO - Fuck It, (I) Got My Orders. Biologics The sounds generated by sea life, when picked up on sonar. Lose the Bubble - Originally, to assume such an extreme up- or down-angle in a submarine that the bubble of the inclinometer is no longer visible. Also seen as DACM. Gouge (the) (1) Information, or the 'inside scoop'. PLEASE CALL (DSN) 252-3328 OR 252-2904 / (COMM) 0956-50-3328 OR 0956-50-2904 First Cut-Off: 6/07/2019 . Away Boats: Used to order a ship's boats to leave the ship's side. See also WATCH. Vessel LIBERTY PASSION is a Vehicles Carrier, Registered in USA. Condition 1 - General Quarters (battle stations). Needless to say, should a "kidnapped" person be reported as mustered (either by well . Definition: 4-Day Special Liberty. (On her) Beam Ends Strictly speaking, when a ship has gone through 90 degrees of roll, where her decks are vertical. With the increasing usage of gas turbines, this is less of an issuea gas turbine ship can get underway within minutes if the lube oil systems are warm. Is it easier said than done? "He screwed the pooch bigtime and they beached him.". To make a 'real' fist of something is to do it badly. Largely composed of ascorbic acid. Bumfuck Egypt A (fictitious) bad place to be stationed, or the figurative ends of the earth. The captain or skipper of a vessel. Drip - (RN) Complain. Mess Mother - (RN) Senior hand of the mess, responsible to the COX'N for the cleanliness and good order of the mess decks. Bloggins - (RN) The catch-all name. The Vines Center erupted in applause Nov. 3 following an announcement from Liberty University President Dr. Jerry Prevo: "We are in the . More recently, brown footwear is optional, but seldom seen due to tradition. FTN Space (the) - An obscure, hard-to-get-to space, compartment, or void; used to hide from officers or chiefs. (2) (RCN) Vague or impractical suggestion. cherbourg - picturesque liberty port: cherbourg - picturesque liberty port: china - navy ships historic qingdao port call: china shoppers: china shoppers: clearing the suez canal: columbus discovers old world: cv 62-uss independence visits new york city: dd 861 joins turkish navy: deep sea copter - dumbo the dunker - camp pendleton calif: diego . Menopause Manor - (RN) Chiefs Quarters. Has nothing to do with meteorological conditions. Its color has no bearing on its flavor. Fart Sack Sleeping bag. Fist - (RN) To make a 'good' fist of something is to do it well. Drunkex Any evolution characterized more by the amount of alcohol consumption than by accomplishment of any goals (other than getting toasted, of course). Dirt Sailor A member of the Navys Construction Battalions (Seabees). Derives from the historical use of a leather collar or stock to protect the neck from saber cuts. Derogatory, Captain of the Head.. 'Dixie' was the southern station, tasked with troop support (CAS). Brown-Bagger Married member of the crew. (2) (USAF) The winged pipe extending aft and below a tanker aircraft. US . 3m ago. Condition 5 A material condition of readiness associated with peacetime inport status. Bulkheading - Loudly criticizing a fellow officer. Mass confusion and chaos. View last broadcast Robbie Hiner - I Want That Mountain . Bomb (The) - (submarines) The oxygen generator system. Banca is literally translated from the Tagalog as boat.. Nowadays more a term of respect for the age of its denizens. Alert Five - Aircraft on five-minute alert. Senior MCPO assigned to the unit. Fantail The aft-most weather deck on a ship, right above the stern. GIB - "Guy In Back". This reduces the drag of the stopped propeller by a tremendous amount. (2) To backflush and clean a SEACHEST. Chop (1) Supply Officer. Gator Hashmark A grease stain on ones uniform, gained by leaning up against or bumping a wire (cable), many of which are found on and about Gators. Thanks to their efforts to steer clear of the worldwide coronavirus pandemic, the U.S. Navy says two American warships that set sail in mid-January broke the modern record on Thursday for. A Loggerhead is two iron balls attached by an iron rod, which was heated and used for melting pitch. Makee-Learnee Also seen as make-ye learnee. In-flight Arrestment - Occurs during an arrested landing if the hook engages the CROSSDECK PENDANT while the main landing gear are not on deck. Occupied by various Carrier Battlegroups and Amphibious Groups. A.F.R.T.S. I didn't want to even bother going back to get it fixed so I just took it here for same-day service. REUNION 2010. Responsible for the air-launched weapons. Ditty Bag A small cloth bag with drawstring closure; usually used to hold toilet articles and the like. Milk Bottle Shoulders Refers to someone who is unwilling or unable to shoulder responsibility. Non-specific training on military matters, often assigned as NJP. Goffa - Any non-alcoholic drink (why bother?). 90-Day Wonder Derisive term for a graduate of OCS. They may be bitter from their four years of service and will disregard the rules. The Liberty Program offers the opportunity to participate in fun and innovative adventures for all single, unaccompanied military members and their guests in an alcohol and tobacco-free environment. Knot A measure of speed, equating to one nautical mile per hour. DCA - Damage Control Assistant. Clankie, Clanky - (RN) Mechanical Engineer. The legendary 'tube steak.' Grape - (1) Easy pickings, esp. (2) Facetiously, a way for a helicopter pilot to keep his hands and feet occupied as he plummets to his death. Contact Coordinator - (submarine) Senior Enlisted/Junior Officer that mans the submarine periscope during surface operations in order to help track and assess surface contacts. Joker (Aviation) Critically low fuel state. Generally a much more violent event than an unaccelerated stall. Commonly thought to consist of a fire involving flammable metals, which is one example of a Class Delta fire; another type of Class Delta fire involves deep fat fryer equipment. Henceforth, the strongest drink to be had was coffee. Cluster Fuck An evolution remarkable for its significant lack of excellence. Exactly, whether a deployment meets the infantrys certified bad a** criteria or not, a unit is going to do what a unit is going to do. A sail which is being backed is said to be aback. A sailing ship which accidentally goes aback when tacking loses its momentum and is said to be in irons. A person is said to be all aback when he is confused or surprised. USN usage, 'Jack o' the Dust.' An escape maneuver from an air-to-air fight, generally consists of choosing the proper moment to unload and select ZONE FIVE. Commonly 5000 feet AGL. If your gig line isnt straight, you hear about it at personnel inspections. Modified conditions are used to minimize crew fatigue, which can be a significant factor over a prolonged period at battle stations. Buddy Store A self-contained unit which makes it possible for aircraft not originally designed as tankers to deliver a limited amount of fuel to other aircraft. CO2 is then removed by the SCRUBBER. started out as an enlisted man and earned a commission. Feather In an aircraft, to rotate the propeller blades of a stopped engine into the wind. the ball is above the datum lightsindicates that the aircraft is above the optimum glideslope. See also AGL. SIDs are published procedures. Sailors sometimes used them as weapons to settle a grudge, i.e. Their unofficial motto is "We hide with pride." Improves the BOARDING RATE but costs at the GREENIE BOARD. Acockbill Out of alignment or awry. the actual movements of a vessel with respect to the seabed. Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs): A BAA announces an agency's research interests including criteria for selecting proposals and soliciting the participation of all offerors capable of satisfying the government's needs. Let the Cat Out of the Bag Originally, this term simply meant to remove the cat (cat onine tails) from its baize bag, generally preliminary to administering punishment. To be avoided in tactical situations, as they make for easy visual detection. A mass spectrometer that samples the atmosphere on submarines. Balls (or Four Balls) Midnight, which in the militarys 24-hour timekeeping system may be written as "0000," although writing midnight as "2400" is perhaps more common. May be modified for certain conditions, such as Condition 1-AS, in which all antisubmarine watch stations and weapons are manned, but AAW stations may not be. Valuable in that it teaches an aircrew to consider comparative performance points of their aircraft and others. DIW Dead In the Water. Meet Her An order to the helm to use the rudder as needed to stop the ships turn. Buffer - (UK) The senior rate responsible for seamanship evolutions, typically a Chief Boatswain's Mate. Originally, deck hatches did not have hinged, attached covers. It is replaced periodically, as it is worn down by contact with the deck or by field arrestment. The Department of the Navy is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. "We will inchop MIDEASTFOR at 0830 tomorrow. Accounts vary, but apparently the grease was called crabfat because it resembled in color the ointment used to treat sailors for crabs (pediculosis pubis, genital lice), and of which fat was a major constituent. (2) (USN) Banjo is also a nickname for the F-2 Banshee fighter. Mind Your Ps and Qs In the past, when sailors were paid and went ashore for liberty, the tavern keepers knew how much they were paid. They wear red flight deck jerseys. Broke Dick Non-functional. In two-seat USN/USMC fighters, more commonly called the RIO. Brass Officers, especially senior officers. GLOC - G-induced Loss Of Consciousness. ', LoPac - LOw Pressure Air Compressor. Angle of Attack The angle measured between the relative wind and the chord line of an airfoil. Bunting Tosser, Bunts (RN) - Signals or Radio personnel. someone tentative in thought and/or action. Please remember his family in prayer and his obituary is posted at our Eternal Deployment web-page. List The static (at rest) tendency of a ship to lie with her decks not level in beamwise (side to side) aspect, due to imbalances in her loadout or perhaps due to flooding. Box the Compass (1) To name all the points of the compass. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like ANNOUNCING A RETIRED NAVY CAPTAIN ABOARD, REVEILLE, COLORS and more. This page includes all of the information you will need to visit your recruit for . the bridge is abaft the bow. Crush Depth The designed depth at which the pressure hull of a submarine will collapse. Because of its high pitch, it could be heard over the activities of the crew and bad weather. "Set Condition Zebra" is the command to close all water-tight doors, hatches, and fittings throughout the ship. Carrier Landings A game involving a long flat table and, generally, a lot of beer. Ragman'. See DECK APE. Drilling holes in the water (or ocean) - Term for miscellaneous underwater operations of a submarine. Monkey Shit - Room-temperature-vulcanizing packing material (caulking) used for stuffing tubes, etc. Blank flange - (1) A plate bolted onto an open pipe to prevent flooding or leaks while work is performed on a piping system. The opposite of BROWN WATER. An admiral is the senior ranking flag officer in the US Navy, but his title comes from the name given the senior ranking officer in the Moorish army of many years ago. Golden Shellback - One who has crossed the Equator at the International Date Line. G (Aviation) The acceleration forces felt by aircrews when maneuvering. Charlie Sierra Phonetic abbreviation for chickenshit. The unnecessarily thorough enforcement of an insignificant or unimportant regulation. By signing up you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, MIGHTY NETWORKS, 2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (2) Speed orders to the engine room, from the days when moving the engine order telegraph rang a bell in the engine room. Clara - The radio call from a carrier pilot on approach signifying that he has not sighted the BALL. During WWII, members of the Black Gang were issued black "Dixie Cups" instead of white ones, and were therefore sometimes called "Black Hats.". Charlie Time - Assigned time for carrier aircraft to land, generally meant as the time that an aircraft crosses the RAMP. Airy-fairy (1) (RN) Fleet Air Arm personnel. Binnacle List Sick list; a listing of the names of the men currently in sick bay and unable to perform their duties due to sickness or injury. A type of KNUCKLEDRAGGER. ALL REMAINING COINS ARE BEING SOLD ON EBAY. Dead Head The resistance of a magnetic compass to swinging back and forth excessively; a compass with insufficient deadhead will swing so much (due to normal movement of the ship or aircraft) that it is difficult to steer a course. Reportedly, due to the "high and tight" haircut favored by many marines; it looks as if someone put a bowl on the victims head and cut or shaved off all the hair that protruded. Generally the brow and all shore services are secured and the ship is on internal systems only. Applies to many military schools. Graduating Sailors will be granted daytime liberty after graduation to spend time off-base with their families and friends. Hail and Farewell A party at which a soon-to-be-detached officer (the farewell) and his replacement (the hail) are feted. 'EMCON Alpha' is total emissions silence, 'EMCON Bravo' allows radiation of certain non type-specific emitters, etc. The derision arises from the lack of experience and naval knowledge of the typical graduate. Guard (1) International distress radio frequencies, including 243.0 MHz and 121.5 kHz. You dont want to do it. Cumshaw - Procurement of needed material outside the supply chain, usually by swapping, barter, or mutual backscratching. Balls to the wall Maximum speed, or maximum effort. Home. Charlie Noble The galley smokestack. (3) A signboard used to track and display landing scores of the pilots of a squadron, the 'greenie board.' See also WHITEHAT. Derisively, 'I Follow Roads'. Judy - Radio call signifying that the fighter has radar contact on the BOGEY or BANDIT and can complete the intercept without further assistance from the controller. Often used to detect SKIMMERs by their helpless laughter upon hearing the phrase. Call 1-844-DONCEAP (1-844-366-2327) / TTY: 1-888-262-7848 . The call for all hands to man battle stations. LIBERTY CALL, LIBERTY CALL. Brown-Shirt (Aviation) A Plane Captain, so called because of the brown jersey he wears; a.k.a. while the pilot is pulling Gs. For example, a ship will call away general quarters for a major fuel or oil leak in the engineering spaces (to prepare in case a fire results). Goat Rope An evolution which is going not at all well; disorganized; chaotic. Legal responsibility for safe flight and collision avoidance rests with the Air Traffic Control center, although a certain amount of legal and moral responsibility always rests with the pilot(s). Aka 'barrier'. Floor In naval architecture, a horizontal structural surface which does not extend the full length of the ship. May be operated by a civilian contractor or by ships personnel. We want to do business with people and organizations with ground-breaking ideas, pioneering scientific research, novel technology . By and Large Colloquial term meaning For the most part. Origin of the term seems to be that a ship was considered particularly seaworthy if it could sail both by (close to the wind) and large (broad to or before the wind). (3) Someone who acts like an idiot (aka 'blank file'). Study at our beautiful campus in central Virginia or online from anywhere in the world! Refers to the brown boots or shoes which once were worn by aviation personnel with the Aviation Green uniform. After the Marines were reunited with their families, they were dismissed for six hours of on-base liberty. Note: this term is also used for literally dozens of other objects in the naval service. All terms frequently modified by Naval personnel with the fond adjective "fucking". elevators, ailerons, etc. Jacobs Ladder A rope ladder. Crews of warships were not allowed to sing work songs or shanties, so the pipe coordinated the sailors. (2) To face successively in all directions, as when a ship loses steerage and drifts aimlessly. The reason sailors are referred to as mateys. Pronounced to rhyme with glow.. Hooky - (RN) Leading rate. Double Nuts - Aircraft with side number zero-zero. A Moorish chief was an "emir," and the chief of all chiefs was an "emir-al." Our English word is derived directly from the Moorish. Over the activities of the brown jersey he wears ; a.k.a Facetiously, a way for a helicopter pilot keep. 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