She could hear Jason. Flirting with my boyfriend!" Zeus calmly sat on his throne along with the rest of the Olympians and Hades, staring at Piper and her friends. Fast. Leo said, holding his hands up in mock surrender. "But, I can assure you end up with each other." pipabeth - smut, drinking, parties, making out. And once they were moving Percy focused on Annabeth, squashed between Grover and Piper- Percy was on Piper's other side. OOH PLOT TWIST! Every one lets forth his sprite Leo said, getting off the half-charred armchair in his room. Piper's voice sounded on the phone. He mumbled, stretching his sore arms and legs. Puts the wretch that lies in woe You know, I can give you a shot for Hazel. "Hi." Percy read out, heading to his locker. ", Later that day Percy was sitting on his bed doing his homework when he heard a knock on his door. He had been a sort of scrawny kid three years ago, and people still remembered him as the loser he was. Annabeth said with a coy smile. She smiled gratefully and walked through the walls to her own room. She said, and everybody laughed at Leo's expense. Piper smiled faintly. Annabeth, Jason, Piper, and Leo are going to the Roman camp to get Percy, and discuss the Prohecy of Seven. He grabbed a condom and put it on. He turned around. Annabeth pecked him on the lips and the lovers left upstairs. You know what they say about how when you hit rock bottom, the only way to go is up. "Hello, Percy." Alan spat the name out. So while Percy was wading around, Annabeth showed up and Percy's jaw dropped. You have to earn it!" He desperately needed to get popular. "Ouch! Piper thought that was an excellent request, as that would promise no meddling from her mother. She had a strange dream that night. Blackmail point one for Leo. There was no reply at all. He said. Piper said, stalking to her closet to change. Leo quickly hid his Coke behind his back. For a moment, Annabeth just stared at her reflection, dazed and far too embarrassed to move. Annabeth is one of the main characters in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series as well as in The Heroes of Olympus series, as she is one of the Seven demigods of the Prophecy of Seven. "Seaweed Brain, you actually know what fair means? What do we have here?" Annabeth doesn't know what is happening but . "Dionysus must have done the names." "I think we should go to bed." The shot of vodka burned her throat and she coughed, remembering why she hated spirits. I don't know what, but Hazel says he told her he's been having bad dreams. The Seven made their way to the office, walking up to the front desk where a clown-faced secretary was reading a Vogue magazine. Suddenly Jason's eyes flew open and he tried to grab his coin from his pocket. Leo asked, his mouth stuffed with burnt pizza. The reply was muffled, but apparently Percy didn't get his kiss because just then Annabeth came downstairs. If Percy gets too powerful, he may be a threat to us. He asked and looked at me blushing. "You will remain a couple at the end." "Good, now listen, very clear, you do NOT like Percy . Frank said, his big face all red and he wouldn't look at them. Hazel giggled and moved in. He cried, now a heavy shade of scarlet, same as the velvet rug he was trodding on. "Valdez, your wish." She kissed him hard on the lips. No, not at Leo. "Shots! ", "Hey!" That the graves, all gaping wide. She answered back, a tinkling laugh like a wind chime sweeping across her throat. Piper McLean (44) Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson) (44) Reyna Avila Ramrez-Arellano (40) Percy Jackson (26 . Piper's sobs subsided. "I'm a boy who has a girlfriend." "But you're his favorite son.". Jason said. "Don't worry, if you're a mouse, at least you have a bigger brain. "Nobody can resist my irresistible charm. Savior (A Percy Jackson FanFiction) by thedaughterofchaos. "That wasn't hard." Annabeth muttered. She said, smiling. Now it is the time of the night, Aphrodite said, and the young couple turned pale. (Annabeth: Bish think again)(Grover: Bish think again)(Sally: Bish think again)(Piper: 0.0). You want to know which of us has weed fall under their domain? Mr. D asked, a manic sort of humor lighting up his features. Following Annabeth, who was confidently leading the way, they reached classroom 5B and stopped at the threshold. He started to panic, hyperventilate. And then, as if drawn by a magnetic force, he leaned forward, and she leaned forward, and they had a long, passionate kiss. "Bad dreams?" Annabeth untied the rope, and Percy woke up with a start. Piper suppressed a giggle as Annabeth looked back at him. "I wish the same as Annabeth." And the duo burst out of laughter at the look on his face. Frank, who Jason forgot was still in the room, got up awkwardly and left, which left Jason alone with a screaming Leo and Percy & Annabeth still making out. RIIIINNNNNGG! Jason looked at all of them with a Help Me expression. He said, panting. She nodded. Jason laughed back. Leo blinked, his mind in a endless stupor that went on and on. Frank wondered what was inside of Leo's. Wake up." A freak accident with the water fountain and he runs away. Aphrodite gave her signature giggle. She doesn't like posing for shallow pictures, or having people stare at her in magazines, or being . "DINNER!!" Zeus, not Jupiter anymore, said. You. Wouldn't you be infuriated if a girl kept on staring at me?" Giving up, he slipped out of the room and moved on. Wait until he feels my wrath." That's Goode!" That wasn't necessarily reassuring, especially since her mother loved twist and turns in a love story. She entered the large wardrobe, pulling off her T-shirt and changing into the gown. Just like Jason No. Piper Mclean and Annabeth Chase will stop at nothing to see him. They sighed in relief. After all, blackmail point two for Leo. "I didn't have one yet." Percy told her. The days flew by, slowly at first, then quickly again, as the summer green slowly morphed into fall orange, red, and yellow. She guessed Annabeth wasn't the only one with gruesome nightmares. Piper McLean deserves to be loved. The sky rumbled, threatening to fall, but a forceful strike against Artemis' face was strong enough to shift her position under the falling sky. Percy must have sex with multiple girls in order to complete this quest. "Good morning, Pipes." Piper. He yelled, his stomach grumbling. Nobody's hopeless- just a little tinkering in love magic and then they'll be likeable. There was Kylie, makeup smeared all over her face, simpering at Jason. "That was weird." FanFiction | unleash . You're his best friend. From The Seven In High School on Wattpad by @Alyyang123. And then Piper had to take it the wrong way. He hopped off the bed to tie his sneakers and stood up. When they arrive Piper finds her mom has left them a welcome gift, granting Percy and Annabeth the ability to charm-speak within their flat. However, here Thalia is, about to go from the frying pan into a molten volcano.~Thalia's been getting used to living as a Pirate. Tyson is a Cyclops, a son of Poseidon and a nymph, and the paternal half-brother of Percy Jackson. She made a shhh gesture and plopped on the side of the bed. Annabeth said. Frank realized that in High School, this would be their worst enemy. "Perseus Jackson, do you promise to love my daughter and care for her? "It's been a week at school already?" "This is the Percy side of Jason." He kissed Annabeth's boobs and she laughed. Jason said, trying to meet the eye of his girlfriend. "Annabeth Chase, what do you wish for?" He muttered, making sure no kids or adults were near them. But Taylor Swift looks almost exactly like Annabeth and Selena Gomez Piper. Piper giggled. Annabeth paused, then hugged him back. He heard someone else say. Annabeth demanded to Leo, Frank and Percy as they cowered in a corner of a room. "I d- I mean I did- I mean like I did- I didn't mean it like that!" Zeus said, and with that he turned to look at the remaining three: Frank, Hazel and Leo. "If Goode knew you were having parties all night on school nights, you would be expelled on the spot.". (Was supposed to be a harem story, turning into a polyamorous story. "I've just realised, Percy was talking about Annabeth's knife giving them away at security. "He's sticking with his girlfriend, but I have none." "That filthy hazi! He had made my life a living hell after him and that brat Nicole had an affair behind my back and he started acting like a jerk to me. "I cannot promise not to give you a complicated relationship." Piper has and older brother- Percy Jackson. "What do you say, Percy?" Hard. the characters watch quests from The Demigod Files, bond more, and explore what it means to be part of Percy's friends and family. Percy said, turning to leave. On the bed Jason was sleeping calmly. "Well, well, well. "I wish that I lead a normal teenager life." It was break again, and as usual Jason was surrounded by his fan club and the girls were surrounded by Alan's gang. He laughed and stroked back his hair. "Hey, cutie." Leo said. Annabeth squealed like a little kid. look and Percy turned around to stare at Annabeth. Percy stared at me, and before I even knew it my lips were on his. She knew, just knew. "I wish to lead a normal life. Reyna thinks its obvious Piper and Annabeth like each other so she will figure out how to be a happy 3rd wheel. jason. If she cried, it rained. He's a player, and he dates anything with long hair and boobs." "She's Percy's age. Well all of this has to do with the plot so stay tuned until my next update. I didn't know if it was I who kissed him or he who kissed me, but I didn't matter. Annabeth swatted his hand away. Percy sighed. Annabeth said sweetly, smiling. He thought, wondering if he also had black markings below his eye. "WHAT????????!!!!!!!!!!!!" Percy had been acting very, very strange in the past few days. ", "Yep." And Frank. She said, stifling a yawn. "Alan Brown and his crew were flirting with us today." Just staring at it too long made Percy's eyes water. "Inside joke. I don't freakin' GET THIS!!" So I guess I thought that maybe you might know more than me." . There was a makeup table stacked with items begging to be used, and Piper was sleeping on a heart-shaped bed with pillows full of pink unicorns and crowns and lipstick marks. "What. ", "Yes." Percy shrugged, "One or two, but I'm not their type I've been told." "Holy Hephaestus!" Smiling, he pointed at her clothes. Probably not, since he had woke up early. Frank asked, his beefy left hand about to punch the wall. Annabeth Chase is a Greek demigod, daughter of the goddess Athena and professor Frederick Chase, and the cousin of Norse demigod Magnus Chase. "Percy and I are hooked. What do you mean blessed? He yawned of boredom, then looked at the time. Jason sat on the end of the dining table, holding hands with Piper, while Annabeth took the head, sneaking glances at Percy, who was next to Piper and Frank. Frank said, looking uncomfortable. Percy said with disgust. He must have fallen asleep sometime. He said, giving her a hug. Percy Jackson Fanfiction Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. "Go away, loser." Frank cleared his throat to go next. Piper said sadly. "Burned!" Annabeth and Piper have been best friends forever. She said, finally muffling her laughs in a very lady-like handkerchief. The look on Jason' face was priceless. Leo said, smiling. Frank said, trying to sound calm, but Percy could detect panic in his words. Clarisse is furious that everyone will see her working with Percy, not to mention scared. It turned out it was Piper who Percy had to wake up next. Piper stifled a giggle. She brushed the stray hair out of her face and then looked forward again. You should know that." "First of all, we were never together, and second, I AM NOT A DEAD MOUSE!!". Hazel inched closer to him. I couldn't help but stare, and Percy stared back. Now we can finally try our one on one sword fighting.". That left Leo and Frank and himself sitting on the sidelines. And I got Locker 246.". "That's Alan Brown, captain of the football team. Jason heated up his unfinished pizza in the microwave and started to eat. Every time I look at Leo, he's staring at you. I laid my head down on my bed, on top of it was one of Jason's old sweatshirts, and it still smelled like him. "Frank, I'm not in love with Leo! Squinting, he saw all his friends tangled up in one big pile, with Jason at the bottom and Annabeth at the top. Alright! Hazel asked. Percy stays all by his lonesome now, the only person who can even get close to him is Annabeth, Nico, and Thalia. ", "I'm sorry, Annabeth." Oh gods, I should have been ready for this!" Annabeth said. Rachel said. The Seven lined up against the wall, and through the vortex Leo managed to keep standing and hold his food down. Annabeth raised an eyebrow and Piper blushed to the extent of a ripe tomato. "Piper McLean, what do you want?" He heard someone snicker. She shook a little bit and rolled over, groaning something he couldn't fathom. This was the place just beyond the kitchen. He yelled, and the mood of the empty dining room improved the slightest bit. He asked. "Sleeping." He could feel the stares of his friends as he began to read. "Before you kill me, look at what you're wearing first." "Whaddoyoushinkwahabbenwenweegodoschew?" Rachel said, cracking a smile. This time more about Percy's. Completed. They said, getting up together, and leaving the room. Percy replied in a whiny tone. Leo asked. Someone dropped their books near them with a loud thud. Annabeth snorted. ", "Really? The last three girls he had flirted with were Thalia, Reyna, and Hazel. Frank replied, bringing out the Literary Readings Textbook out and slinging it in his bag. "Yeah, Piper?" That's all." If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). That was the basis of his life, after all. "We're here to get our schedules. Go, and try your best with Hazel. "Hazel, I only want us to be more together. "Of the mansion. Piper said, wiping her eyes on the blankets. I saw Percy and Nice walk in together and they seemed happy, enjoying each other's company. "And I came to ask you something. Following the party incident yesterday,the boys had cleaned up every single bit of the mansion, dutifully started on their tasks, and were downright moping. "Lovebirds." "You're a bit in a pickle, aren't you?" He said, trying to push down his laughter. "Yep." Hazel wondered what was bothering him so much, but she was smart enough not to probe. He's different, somehow. He laughed and looked at me which made me blush even more. She practically spat. "Annabeth.". But somehow my heart still ached. "You let her sleep and made us wake up at seven?" "You're below me with the wimps and the dorks. Story of a transfem Percy and also it's gonna be very gay. "No, I just need tutoring in Math." She said putting a hand to her chest. "Annabeth, what the Hades?" No pun intended. I've already finished everything I assigned the boys.". (Annabeth: Bish think again) (Grover: Bish think again) (Sally: Bish think again) (Piper: 0.0) "Leo?" I have Leadership, and so does she. It sounded like Annabeth was the only one with a weapon. Percy and I were the worst cases of them all. Jason stood large-eyed in the hallway watching them. "I wonder what they're planning." Locker 233. Freak accident with the water fountain!" Jason said, somehow managing to sound calm and composed. Percy Jackson is injured. Completed. If anyone could beat up a jock, it was Annabeth. NOTE: YOU CANNOT DRESS IN DIFFERENT CLOTHES THEN WHAT YOU ARE WEARING EXCEPT FOR GYM. Percy stays all by his lonesome now, the only person who can even get close to him is Annabeth, Nico, and Thalia. Continuing, he beamed at them. That's when the bell signalling third period rang. "He told be his fatal flaw, once. She whispered to Frank. He heard Annabeth say. They decide to call for help from an expert. What do you think happened to him?" Piper knows she and Reyna and Annabeth would be great together, now only if the other two would get out of their heads. Cause maybe I like people who aren't my type." Tyson was born from Poseidon, the god of the seas, earthquakes, and the father of horses, and an unknown nymph.

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