The group interview actually went exactly how it was described on the 7sage 2019-2020 Interview Questions section! If you had a chance to collaborate with anyone alive or dead, who would it be with? A lot of people in the group interview thought this wasnt unforgivable, especially given that the previous two were pretty big ethical violations, but as it turns out it was a rejection as well. - He explained that he's doing 3-4 of these interviews a day for months (pretty intense!! Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 5:46 pm. How would you respond? She was familiar with my file and clear on my "why law," so her questions focused on skills I've learned / challenges I've faced while working in finance and which activities, clubs, courses, etc. The committee will ask you Which candidate should we take? Tell us more about your academic background. It wasn't conversational until the end because time was so limited, but the interviewer was very nice, honest, and funny! When have you dealt with a frustrating situation and how did you overcome it? What job do you want to have straight out of law school? The Dean then weighed in, and he believed that this should be rated as a 7. You can pace your interview because you have breaks between questions. It was Amy. I also stressed being a non-traditional student and asked questions regarding that. Tell me a time you were part of a team with low morale/motivation. Note: They allowed 30 seconds for prep, 90 seconds to record your answer, and you could not "re do" an answer if you felt like you tripped over your words. I am uncertain whether there are still other applicants encountering the same situation? You've had this amazing career - why do you want to go to law school now? What's the best piece of advice you've received? He also pointed out that when you care, you will reread your application fifty times before your friend tells you, Oh my god, just press the damn button already. So the fact that this had so many mistakes was actually pretty telling. First Scenario: A student was suspended for a year for plagiarism. Can you explain the circumstances? The scholarship committee member was very sweet and genuine, and I really feel that shes in my corner. Tell me about a time you were part of a team with low morale/motivation. What are pros and cons of HLS? One question about a specific experience on my resume. You must be prepared to talk about the following: You should probably be prepared to talk about these: A Word about Preparing and Being Unprepared. What are some of the pros and cons of Harvard? (written). Is there anything you want us to know about you? What is your favorite book or movie and why. We took about 2-3 minutes to silently read the addendum, then presented our opinions of whether it was no issue, minor, major, or game over. We had to of course justify our opinion. In reality, law school waitlists are dynamic. Difficult time with a co-worker and how you resolved it? Do you have any idea what you want to do after law school? An invitation to interview is never a bad sign. If you could live anywhere outside of America, where would it be? Her next two questions were Duke-specific: are there specific offerings such as student orgs and clinics Im interested in, and what makes Duke law a good fit for me. The second scenario was the sloppy PSspelling errors and used the wrong name. B writes a Why Georgetown addendum and personalizes the personal statement for Georgetown. From friends, I had heard that the tone of their interviews at UVA was pretty conversational, whereas I felt like it was pretty formal (though very friendly) in my experience. What characteristics do you hope to develop and grow over the next five years? If you could eradicate one social problem, what would it be? How have you facilitated a disagreement between two teammates? She should not have written the wrong school name. What would you have done differently if you were that person? Howd you deal with it? Scenario 3: A top applicant has glowing rec letters praising his writing, but his personal statement is awful and filled with typos (including a reference to another school). Its okay to give yourself time to think by saying something like, Wow! Oh well. The glowing references about her writing ultimately showed him that she was a great writer when she actually cared, and that the poor quality of the statement therefore reflected her lack of enthusiasm. Something you believed in for a long time but dont anymore. Her addendum made it seem like it was a very casual and light incident, but she was suspended for a semester. What did you do? What is a change you've made because of a past mistake? georgetown-university, waitlist. What is one thing you would like the Admissions Committee to know about you? (I was a bit unprepared for this one but I think it went okay!). Tell me about a book youre reading or have read recently that changed your perspective? He also said last year he interviewed about 2600 students, and this year 3000. For the latter, while the decision was still to deny, Dean Cornblatt now placed the severity of a bad PS at a 10/10. Talk about why you decided to go into each one. We were asked to talk about how we would gather information from applicants as admissions personnel, directly asking, open prompts, etc. What do they like about working with you? Then he split us up into groups. He said that if the student had followed-up with an email acknowledging the mistakes and apologizing for them, he wouldn't have cared. When did you know you wanted to practice law? He said if she had just written, Im sorry. We had four options to choose fromno impact, minor impact, major impact, or game over (deny). How many hours per week do you spend on social media? What was a defining experience at [undergrad inst]? So don't stress or deliberate too long about answers, just go with your gut and be honest. Tell me about your journey from choosing your undergrad degree to your decision to apply to law school. Learn about our admissions consulting and editing services. Describe when you were most productivewhat was that environment like? We answered between 6-8. I answered Why law? and Why Columbia? before Interviewer asked me by tying it in to other questions. You have unlimited prep time, but three takes at recording your response. (Why Law?). He shared screen with us and asked us to give a thumbs up when were all set reading it. I also think it tells you that "Your application was especially difficult, and, based upon the strength of your application, the Committee has identified you as one of the . It was different from other interviews I've had so it certainly threw me off at the start! I see youve been working in (city), so why law school now? What is the specific clinic you are interested in and why? Hypothetically, what do you think youll be doing after law school? What is something that youd like the admissions team to know that may not be easily gleaned from your application? It wasnt even that much about the plagiarism itself as the way she framed the situation. (written), What does integrity mean to you? Note: UT asks candidates to pledge not to share interview questions. What would you do if you cant make it to the top 10% of your class? How serious is this on a scale of 1 "who cares" to 10 "disqualifying." Explain to us a little more about your multiple attempts on the LSAT. Which brings me to my next point: dont worry about giving the right or wrong answer. What would you have done differently if you were that person? The student was an ED applicant. How do you see yourself contributing to the community and what student organizations were you involved with in undergrad? Upon several attempts by the Dean to get more information in calls with him, the admitted student beats around the bush and says he would "rather not get into it." For Fall 2020 admission, we received almost 10,000 applications. I take full responsibility and please note that I have never done such a thing since that time, it might have been a totally different story. Tell me about a social issue or current event that youre following. why law?but the written questions may be hypotheticals about current affairs. Chicago Interview with admissions rep- ~30 minutes long, much more relaxed and casual than many on Reddit described, more conversational than I expected, Student B (Interviewed by admissions officer via Skype). What is a characteristic or personality trait that you want to work on in the coming years? Student A: International students should prepare to answer why they would like to go to law school in the U.S., not in their own countries. My answers were quite brief. The Dean then presented a character and fitness issue to us about an applicant who plagiarized during a French course. What would Jewel contribute to a law school community? He asked for a one word answer to: "If you had to pick the single most important quality to look for in an application, what would it be?" Youve had three jobs in consulting since you graduated. I'd be interested in at HLS. What do you do? He thinks that she is not telling the full story. Overall the interview wasn't very conversational; my interviewer prefaced by saying that she wouldn't respond to my answers to give me more time to speak. Something disappointing and how you handled it? A few questions are both suck-uppy and genuine: Whats your favorite part of the law school? What do you remember about your days as a student here? (The last one only works, obviously, if your interviewer went there.). What are you looking for in a law school experience? The interview lasted 25 minutes and 40 seconds. We did them one by one. What sorts of things would you tell them you hope to accomplish in your career after law school? Whats one thing that you might be scared or hesitant about in law school? Interviewer asked about my interest and what I would like to do in the future with my law degree. After the discussion, he offers closing remarks and brings up why he does these interviews, which I think might be helpful information to know, since I was certainly curious about this - after all, hes not really looking for a right/wrong answer, and this interview doesnt ask any traditional questions. Third scenario was about an applicant with gleaming GPA/LSAT, letters of rec commending his strong writing skills, and then a personal statement with multiple typos and a mention of the wrong school. Tell me about a time you had to ask for help. What's one thing you want admissions to know about you? I got a unique question that was along the lines of recall a time where you received new information and used it to make a different decision than you had originally intended on making. What would my ideal technology law job be? Which particular clinics are you interested in? What if the application has some typos? If youre not sure how to answer a written question, consider both sides with a classic On the one hand, on the other hand structure. The most IMPORTANT question that you NEED to have an absolutely solid answer on is a time when you showcased leadership. Have you ever been/ Lets say you are in an argument or conflict with someone representing a view completely opposite yours. Note: Interviewer was very strict about keeping time. What is a time you have had to have resilience? Washington University in St.Louis (WUSTL), St. John's University Interview Questions, University of Tennessee Interview Questions, University of Minnesota Interview Questions. Talk about the experiences you had after college. The Law School Admissions Test, or LSAT, is a standardized test administered by the Law School Admission Council (LSAC) for prospective law school candidates. The interview was pretty much how the other student from the 2020-1 cycle described it! What is one question you were prepared to answer but were not asked? How did you handle constructive criticism when you didnt agree with it. Georgetown Law Interview. In the second and third scenarios, he called on people one by one to go. Name a time you analyzed a large data set or did extensive research on something. Considering your consulting background, why law? What do you want the school to know about you? How might you address it? If you would have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be and what would you ask them? Should this admission be overturned? What are your short-term and long-term professional goals? If something really stumps you, its okay to say, Sorry, Im a little nervous, so long as you pick up the thread. What is something you want the admissions committee to know? [Interviewer also asked a lot of questions based on Student As resume]. If I were to ask your best friend what your three best qualities are, what would they say? The count down from the question and the recording is about 5-10 seconds I think, then 30 seconds to answer it. [Interviewer also answered students questions]. What was a challenge you faced when working on a team. If law school doesnt work out, whats your backup? Tell me an experience when you stepped outside your comfort zone. Dean Cornblatt said that didnt happen with this guy, though usually any tiny mistake in the application is followed by a frantic apologetic fixing email. Second scenario was about a student who had already been accepted, and was currently in a graduate program at Oxford. A student who had already been admitted writes to admissions informing them that he is dropping out of his Oxford masters program early (without obtaining the degree) without providing additional info. What are you looking for in potential classmates? What is the one thing you want admissions to know about you? How did you end up accomplishing the work? Noticed on the US News ranking that Georgetown is second to only NYU in International Law. What motivates me to get out of bed in the morning? Name a book that changed your view on a social issue. I said Yes to this one. Re: Georgetown Law School c/o 2020 WAITLIST. What if the essay is plagiarized? She asked me to tell her a little bit about myself and why I want to study law. A frustration? 10 years from now? A time when you worked on a team and your team mate was disengaged. One thing you would like admissions to know about you, What is motivating you to pursue law? (written). If you had a million dollars but could not spend it yourself, how would you spend it? Note: Interviewer said Northwestern gave them a list of questions on the online platform, but currently they were unable to access. Resume-specific questions about my work experience, Something I would like the admissions committee to know, Questions for the interviewer (had time for two questions), The Dean began by having us all-state where we are from, what we are doing, where we are now, and a fun fact about ourselves.. You should be thoughtful, confident, warm, and encouraging of other people as well. You should still wear a suit, but the interview itself was not structured at all. Should Georgetown rescind his offer or not? How will you use your skills gained after law school? Why? We had maybe 12 people in the room and split into 3 groups of 4. When asked why, he admitted he had failed to include citations in his dissertation, and that there was going to be a disciplinary hearing about it, but now that hes withdrawing there would be no hearing and no effect on his record. Law schools process their admissions at different speeds, and more often than not, waitlist movement will only occur once a higher-ranking school starts selecting students off of their waitlist, creating opportunities throughout each tier of schools as the movement works its way down. He wrapped up the interview by asking us to give one word that describes an ideal candidate. What is one thing you want the admissions committee to know about you? I submitted my application on 4 February 2025 and the application was marked complete on 8 February 2022 and had an interview with them in March 2022. Why did you enter a field other than law out of college? There are banks of questions on 7Sage, but it seems like the questions can vary based on the applicant. What do you feel like you bring to the University of Chicago community? Thats an interesting question! What skills from your professional life would serve you best in law school? What was your favorite class or professor? There was time for around 2 questions. Tell me about a time you overcame an obstacle. Schools are swamped. (The Dean said that this was game over because the student would not give him a lot of information, and he felt that he lacked integrity.). What was the most innovative new idea you implemented? Does Georgetown Law have rolling admissions? Harvard interviews most applicants on a video chat client called Zoom. Your approach? What challenges do the communities you work with experience? He explained that rescinding an offer is a BIG deal, and that the standard for doing so is much higher than denying an applicant. After we mingled amongst each other for a couple minutes, the Dean came down the stairs, introduced himself, and we all walked with him into a conference room, where we had name tags assigned to each seat. People going to a law school Northwestern are top performers. program in the U.S. For the questions that were asked by Washington University that weren't resume-specific during my interview: 20mins, including time built in for your questions. Her final question was about whether I had any special circumstances that I wanted the committee to know; I talked about the in-state rate the GI bill covers and the lack of a housing allowance. ), so he's definitely talking to a whole lot more applicants than will ultimately be admitted (he said he is probably going to meet this way with about 3000 students, and the entering class is 560). [Questions about professional experience.]. Dont be fazed by it. Georgetown Law receives the most JD applications of any law school. We were asked for one word that describes an ideal quality in an applicant. Why did you study [something you studied at grad school] and how will it inform your career? Preferred Wait List for Georgetown. What would you want to do with you law degree? Why did you choose to go your undergrad institution? Don't be shy!! Why did you switch from [one field] to [another field]? When asked why, he admitted that he had failed to include citations in his dissertation, and there was going to be a disciplinary hearing about the issue. What was the most disappointing setback in your life? Dean Cornblatt is very personable. What questions do you have for us? A time you stopped short of reaching a goal? Name a time when you were incorrectly blamed for something, and what did you do about it? Describe a situation in which other would say you exhibited a level of maturity beyond your years. They dont expect you to knock every question out of the park. First, the law school wants. 15 comments 93% Upvoted Log in or sign up to leave a comment If you could have a conversation with anyone (dead or alive), who would it be and what would you talk to them about? Then, we were asked to go around and say our name, hometown, and a fun fact about ourselves. If you had to defer for a year, and resume building was not an issue, what is something you would like to do during this time? Do you have any concerns with Law school? Name a time you had a conflict and how you resolved it. The interviewer was super friendly. Tell me about a time you were challenged while working on a team. What was your most rewarding experience outside the classroom? Majority of my interview was about high vs low tuition and scholarships being harmful to the larger student body. When we all come together to discuss, he does call on you randomly, but dont stressyoull have had the opportunity to already talk about it in your group, and even if he asks you a more particular question, youll have thought about the scenario enough to easily give an answer. or maybe it was just an assignment Im not sure, but it was definitely a first draft). Dont try to memorize linesyoull only sound stilted. What would you do if have a gap year before law school? Others, like Harvard, Chicago, and Columbia, offer interviews by invitation only. What is something that you have done for the first time recently? I dont want to read in to it much, but I hope that was a good thing. Why did someone from XX end up in XX and seek to go to law school? He finished by asking us one of his intended optional application prompts for this year that they didnt get to add in: "What was something youve done that was hard but so worth it?. What did you do in your graduate program? If you could have a conversation with anyone, living or dead, who would it be with? What opportunity at UT Knoxville are you most excited about? Instructions: He handed out a packet with scenarios written out, and he told you to keep it face down until he finished his instructions. When you and a colleague didnt see eye to eye-what did you do? Describe a situation where you were in an adversarial position and how you dealt with it/describe your general philosophy for dealing with adversarial situations. What are you afraid of, and what motivates you? He asked us to rate this issue in her app from "no problem" > "minor" > "major" > "automatically disqualifying" and explain why. Also, having a solid answer on why you want to go to law school is definitely a must. The ABA is thinking about adopting a uniform bar exam. What would you contribute to the UVA community? It was 45-minute long and exactly how previous applicants described. Why are you switching careers? Talk about a time when you analyzed data and came up with a recommendation? The other questions were specific about my leadership roles and which I found most fulfilling. Northwestern also performs a waitlist interview via Kira. [Asked about current job/rsum-related question], [Discussed Chicago/NW experiences the interviewer had as an alum], [Also time given for questions from the student], Talk about a time when you pursued a goal but then had to pivot to something else, Talk about a stressful situation and how you handled it. Whens a time you applied for a job and didnt get it? Tell me about a project youve managed and how it went. The video questions will be fairly standardwhat was your favorite class? The status has never changed until now. He started with introductionsnothing crazy, we just went around the room stating our name, where were from, what were doing now, and a fun fact about ourselves (so maybe come with one prepared). Summarize your life up until this point. Preferred Waitlist at Georgetown? Does anyone know how these group interviews will go/has Georgetown done this before? Tell us about a time you failed an important goal and what you learned as a result. I used the word Unique however, others used words such as honest, hard-working, etc. Why are you considering Vanderbilt Law School? It was very informal. Below are the questions he asked. Before the hearing, he decided to withdraw from school. The Dean ultimately said that this had a big impact because he did not like that the student did not own up to the seriousness of the situationshe was suspended for a year. Tell me about a time you had a conflict with someone and how you went about solving it. Whats one thing the admissions committee should know about you? Didn't do the optional interview. Tell me about a book that influenced you or a book youre currently reading. The experience that has most prepared me for law school, One word that family and friends would use to describe me (I picked curious), What have I changed my mind on in the past. Tell me about a time where you analyzed a large set of data, how did you go about it and what was the outcome? She started off by asking me about a few specific things on my resume such as my recent job change and what I do for work now. - He gave us his email at the end, and then followed up with a nice note (which I responded to of course): "Hello [FIRSTNAME], Just a quick note to thank you for being a part of our group interview. What questions do you have for me?The resume-specific ones were just asking vaguely about what my tech positions were like. At first, he told us to lose our grim faces. Then, he asked us to go around and say where were from, where were at, and a fun fact about ourselves. Student As online interview (2018/2019 cycle), (very casual conversation with alumni, was an hour long), Vanderbilt Alumni Interview- over an hour long, very conversational, Overall very laid back and conversational - left a lot of time for me to ask questions, entire interview lasted ~20 min, Student A (Interviewed by an alumna in person, about 45 min long), Note: Student reported that the Vanderbilt interview was pretty relaxed compared to other interviews; interviewer only asked 2 questions and then the rest was a discussion about interviewers personal experience, Student A interview with an alum in Tokyo, Interviewer said he is required to ask these two questions* Expect that youll get a curve ball or two. Then we would progress onto scenario 2, and so on. She also asked if I had even been to St.Louis which I responded that yes I have and that Ive actually self-toured the school to which she was surprised/happy about. Sometimes its a great sign, and a prelude to an offer, but its just as often a chance for the interviewer to ask you genuine questions before they make a decision. Who plagiarized during a French course conversational until the end because time was so limited, but was. And why a situation in which other would say you exhibited a level maturity. Advice you 've had this amazing career - why do you hope to and... Someone representing a view completely opposite yours or conflict with someone and how you went about solving it at... What questions do you want the school to know about you a first draft.. By tying it in to other questions were specific about my interest and what did you know wanted! Opposite yours n't stress or deliberate too long about answers, just go with your gut be. Job do you spend on social media favorite book or movie and why graduate program at Oxford from. So on, hometown, and he believed that georgetown law waitlist interview should be rated a... 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